Vacation Fun


My family and I spent a couple of days in Port Townsend, WA, and stayed at the Manresa Castle, a Victorian style historic hotel with a reputation for being haunted. (It was featured on Ghost Adventures in 2015.) We stayed there for the sole reason it was the only hotel with a vacancy. While the remote was not thrown at our heads as some guests reported happening, the bathroom light, which we were going to keep on as a nightlight, did go out inexplicably right as I turned off my Kindle to go to sleep. Thankfully, that's all Casper had in store for us.

Satan's Servants

A particularly disturbing post from Msgr. Stephen Rossetti's exorcist blog. Be careful out there, dear readers. The world has truly become the devil's playground.


 Exorcist Diary #141: Servants of Satan

Hieronymous Bosch "Death and the Miser," c. 1490-1516.


I am always surprised when I encounter people who willingly give themselves over to Satan’s service. It is one thing to struggle with temptation and to fall into his grasp through sin. It’s another thing to willingly choose to follow him.

The Father of Lies would like nothing better. At Satan's own defection, he sought to be god and wants people to serve him. Thus he tempted Jesus, "All of these [kingdoms of the world] I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me" (Mt 4:9).

These past few weeks (see Diary #140), we have directly encountered a Satanic cult.* They have been recruiting followers by threats and coercion. They have been actively cursing and manipulating young women. We have been supporting one who is valiantly resisting. Several Satanists have been arrested, but there are more at large

(Read the rest of the article here.)



The Latest True Tales Book is Here! 



Was hoping to get this out sooner, but last year was, shall we say, a bit devilish.

Anyway, better times lie ahead. And what better way to welcome warmer weather, sunny skies, and blossoming flowers than with a big dose of DEMONS!
Yep, this True Tales book is the biggest yet with incredulous accounts of hideous manifestations, depraved assaults, and all other manner of frightening paranormal phenomena. 

As with all True Tales books, When Demons Attack strives to inform, entertain, and enthrall. But most of all, to warn.

These creatures are real. They walk among us. They never sleep.

After reading this book, you may not either.
* * *

The official release date of the ebook is April 5, 2021. (With print and audio TBA.)

Pre-orders are available now at Amazon. Check it out!

Eyes of a Demoniac

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti is an exorcist as well as an associate professor at The Catholic University of America. He writes a fascinating blog called the Exorcist Diary from which the following post comes. Oh, by the way, this photo is the real deal.


Snake Eyes

Sometimes it is difficult to determine if a person is possessed or the problems are psychological only. But other times, it is obvious. [Click to read the rest of the post.]


Video: Eerie 'Doll Altar' Found in England



Video: Eerie 'Doll Altar' Found in England: A woman walking through a wooded area in England stumbled upon a rather unsettling scene in the form of an eerie collection of baby dolls that had been fastened to trees as part of what appeared to be a makeshift altar.

New Fiction in the Frost Zone


Reporting something a little different in this post. Over the years, under different pseudonyms, I've written a number of short stories that have appeared in various online and print publications. I plan on actually releasing a collection of these works sometime next year. Most recently, I've had a short-short story published in the Winter issue of Frost Zone, a relatively new journal of speculative and literary fiction. In its two issues to date, Frost Zone has featured some stellar stories and poems, and is a welcome addition to the world of dark and eerie literature.

So grab a cup of something warm, wrap a blanket around your shoulders, and head over to the Frost Zone. Consider my story, "The Dinner Party," an appetizer for a main course of reading delights. Enjoy.

American Horror Story "Murder House" is a Real Haunted House

Rosenheim Mansion in Los Angeles, aka Murder House from the first season of American Horror Story, has quite the spooky reputation apart from its spotlight role on the cinematic screen. This article from explains all the devilish details. Happy Halloween.

Image courtesy of Jay Lopez,

Owner Says American Horror Story: Murder House Is Really Haunted, Details Ghosts and Satanic Rituals

Demonic Doings on the Devil's Night


Take a wild guess which holiday is an exorcist’s least favorite?

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, chief exorcist for the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., recently wrote on his blog:

“I am starting to prepare spiritually for All Hallows' Eve. No bags of candy. No costumes. No pumpkins. As every year, it'll be ugly.

“Many of our spiritual sensitives will get pummeled by demons. One year, our team decided to pray over one of our most gifted throughout the night, trying to shield her from the demonic attacks she yearly suffered. It didn't work. She got pummeled anyway. But she said she appreciated our efforts.

“Several of our other sensitives will experience increased demonic harassment. Many of our clients who are possessed or severely oppressed will suffer more intensely throughout the night. The priest-exorcists themselves will typically get bombarded with demonic obsessions and an internal battle.”

Msgr. Rossetti goes on to explain that what helps fuel the demons’ power on this particular night are stupid humans (my description, not his.)

Of this species there is, unfortunately, no shortage. There are the zealots – the witches, warlocks, and satanists – who busy themselves on this high holiday of theirs with spells, curses, black masses, and all other sorts of depraved evil behavior. And then there are the dabblers, those who think it might be fun to try out a Ouija board or go ghost hunting, since, after all, it’s Halloween. And last but not least are the unwitting. These are the poor souls who allow their children to dress as devils or other occult figures, go to absurd lengths in decorating with grotesque and horrific imagery, or perhaps themselves wear sleazy, overly-sexualized costumes to parties (the naughty nurse, etc.).

Now, not all exorcists are complete fuddy-duddies about Halloween. Father Vincent Lampert, an exorcist in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, believes it’s still possible to have fun without selling your soul to the devil.

“Ultimately I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the kids putting on a costume, dressing up as a cowboy or Cinderella, and going through the neighborhood and asking for candy; that’s all good clean fun,” Fr. Lampert says.

Even a sheet with some holes cut in it as a ghost is fine, Fr. Lampert says. The danger lies in costumes that deliberately glorify evil and instill fear in people, or when people dabble in magic and witchcraft, even if they think it’s just for entertainment.

London exorcist Fr. Jeremy Davies expands on this thought. “They [those who “celebrate” Halloween] begin by playing games, but it can lead to people disbelieving in the devil and evil spirits.” In his view, this disbelief can be just as bad as believing, and that levity about such matters could be fatal. “Playing with evil under the pretext of it being untrue is to allow evil to enter.” Evil can also enter, he explains, where there exists an unhealthy interest in the occult. Whichever way evil gains entry, Father Davies is clear that any dabbling in the occult “doesn’t have to be deep to be deadly.”

In short, I think the universal adage for 2020 applies particularly well for Halloween this year: Be careful and be safe.

And  keep some holy water close by.


Thoughts from a Catholic Exorcist

Michael H. Brown, author of Lying Wonders, Strangest Things, recently published a fascinating interview with a Midwestern Catholic exorcist who, for reasons that are clear at the outset of the article, prefers to remain anonymous. Please take a few minutes to read this interview. There are some very interesting insights into the nature of evil, the reality of the demonic, and how to protect yourself from it.

Exorcist: Satanists Have Cursed Me 

The World's Largest Ouija Board (For Real This Time)

Ripley's Believe It Or Not/Instagram

You may recall I posted a story two-and-a-half years ago about the then-world's largest Ouija board. It was built on the rooftop of a supposedly haunted hotel in Pennsylvania, because, you know, if a place is already haunted, why not make it even more haunted.

But now we've moved beyond hotels to town commons, in this case, fittingly enough, the Salem Common (as in Salem, Massachusetts, the sight of the famous 17th century witch trials).

Ouijazilla, as the monstrous board is called, is the brainchild of Rick Schreck, the Vice-President of the Talking Board Historical Society. More than a year in the making, Ouijazilla is longer than a brontosaurus, heavier than an elephant, and large enough to accommodate five full-size eighteen-wheelers. A public celebration welcoming the board to its new home in Salem took place on October 12, 2019.

The creator of Ouijazilla, Rick Schreck, is an interesting guy. He collects Ouija boards like some people collect snow globes, and currently has 300 boards in his possession. Some of these boards he made himself, fashioning the planchettes out of peculiar objects like human and animal bone, human hair, and even human ashes. His next project is to make his "dream" Ouija board out of coffin materials. He happens to have a vintage black casket in his tattoo shop in New Jersey, so it's gonna happen.

I admit I don't get the obsession with making these things bigger and bigger. Of course, I don't get the obsession with any Ouija board, big or little. Call me a party-pooper if you will, but I only want to communicate with fleshy individuals. Make that flesh and blood. Fleshy sounds like my great aunt Rita.

Ripley's Believe It or Not has an interesting story on Ouijazilla. Check it out here: